
48% of the 1,563 eligible candidates did not attend the NEET-UG re-exam

48% of the 1,563 eligible candidates did not attend the NEET-UG re-exam
24 Jun, 2024

The NEET-UG retest was conducted today for 1,563 candidates in six cities following accusations of irregularities in the medical entrance exams, including paper leaks. Forty-eight percent of students who were slated to retake the NEET-UG today did not appear, the National Testing Agency (NTA) stated. Of the total, 813 (52 percent) attended the retest, while 750 were absent, according to data released by the NTA this evening.

Officials from the National Testing Agency (NTA) and the Union Education Ministry were also present at the examination centers.

The retest for the medical entrance exam was organized after the agency revoked the grace marks awarded to students who were compensated for the loss of time due to a delay in the commencement of the examination at six centers across the country. Six students achieved perfect scores of 720, along with 61 others, leading to allegations of inflated marks, which have now ignited a political controversy.

Late Saturday evening, the Home Ministry also postponed the NEET-PG examinations, which were scheduled for today. The government announced that new dates would be communicated soon, adding that the decision was made in the best interests of students and to preserve the integrity of the examination.

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