
NTA reply to Viral Video of NEET UG Aspirant Ayushi Patel

NTA reply to Viral Video of NEET UG Aspirant Ayushi Patel
11 Jun, 2024

NTA reply to Viral Video of NEET UG :The NTA has responded to the viral video featuring Ms. Ayushi Patel, where she alleged discrepancies in the scoring of NEET (UG) 2024 and claimed to have received a torn OMR answer sheet. According to NTA, no torn OMR answer sheet was dispatched through an official NTA ID. They assert that the OMR answer sheets remain intact and the scores are in accordance with official records. NTA emphasizes that candidates should only download their scorecards from the official website: https://exams.nta.ac.in/NEET.

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